Friday, October 10, 2008

Raising A Bilingual Child

My daughter, Gina, will be 2 years old in November. She is, as such, a bilingual child and I have to raise her as such.

What is a bilingual child? Why teach a secondary language to a child? Is it going to affect her development if she is taught another language?

Studies show it is advisable to teach young children another language because their brains at this age can still adapt a lot of things.

So what is the best way to teach a second language? It is better to teach another language through singing, playing and other ways of having fun. How will they learn if they are doing these things? They will be able to get the ideas or new concepts easier through these ways.

No wonder my young students love to sing songs. They also love to play. But they can't always play in school. So at the start of their time schedule, they are advised to read their homeworks in front of the class. Then, they are already in a good mood. So whether we read their reading books, they end up doing it because they are already having fun.

However, they do not want to answer their Practice Book. The Practice Book is not translated by the Korean teacher so they end up not understanding the concepts in this book.

They would even answer the questions in the reading book. Some of these questions are quite difficult to understand but with the translation, they can understand the questions.

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